
Tag: Frontiers in Neurology

Erectile dysfunction medications turn men’s vision blue

Erectile dysfunction medications turn men’s vision blue

In case people are a man who has experienced the to some degree humiliating procedure of conversing with people's lack of performance in the bedroom, they would trust that requesting help is the greatest obstacle they need to overcome. For a few, be that as it may, getting a prescription for Viagra or its generic form, sildenafil, is only the start of a new set of issues. In a new research article published in Frontiers in Neurology, the cases of 17 men are depicted. The men were viewed as overall healthy however had encountered issues with erectile dysfunction and were offered sildenafil to help. In these 17 cases, the men encountered a wide range of vision issues that aren't typical with patients taking the medication. These "visual disturbances" included everything from sensitivity to...